"I was surprised and saddened to see several status updates yesterday mentioning that some mom's weren't wished a Happy Mother's Day by their kids.
That's really troubling. I would assume that if a mom is looking for a little thanks on that special day, it means she feels she's done a good job, but if a kid can't take the time to say, "hey, thanks....", they must feel she hasn't done particularly well, or worse yet, they aren't grateful for all her efforts. Young people, please remember that next time you want tickets to a certain concert, or need mom to pay for car insurance, or when you have an issue that you need help with.
I'm pretty sure they won't say no, even if you ignored them on this special day..." --Phil Varlese
"Moments ago I received a message from Phil Varlese who, along with Ironman Tommy Cairo is one of my Pro Wrestling business partners. Phil wrote to tell me that our good friend Danny Schwartz, known in wrestling circles as Referee Jimmy Clydesdale, passed away earlier today. Jimmy was a man universally loved in our often-crazy industry. His talent and passion for the business endeared him to everyone who knew him. Not too long ago, Jimmy was honored in the center of the ring when he announced his retirement at a card promoted by Dangerous Adrenaline Wrestling Gladiators in Clayton, NJ. I and several others praised Jimmy with absolute sincerity. And now we will mourn him with that same honest emotion mixed with some tears. The ten count will toll. But even after the sound of the ring bell is silenced, memories of Danny Schwartz will live in many hearts forevermore. Rest in Peace, my dear, dear friend." -- Fredric G. Rubenstein